2018 Workplace Census

In 2018, the Windsor Police Service conducted a census of its employees to gather a detailed picture of who we are as an organization. This Workplace Census will help us identify our strengths and weaknesses, which we can then develop plans and supports to address.
A message from Chief of Police, Al Frederick on the census:
A message from Chief of Police, Al Frederick on the census:
On behalf of the dedicated members of the Windsor Police Service, I am proud to release the findings of the 2018 Windsor Police Service Workplace Census. This is the second census completed during my tenure as Police Chief; the last census was completed in 2012.
The census was prepared to examine the makeup of the Windsor Police Service and share this information with the residents of our City. The report also provides us with an understanding of who works here, and ensures we have a plan in place to provide the support they need.
The information from the report highlights some progress, but also brings to our attention areas in which we need to improve. For our analysis, the information from the census was gathered from both Police Officers and Civilian employees.
The Senior Leadership Team firmly supports creating a diverse and inclusive environment. We know and understand that it is best practice for the makeup of a police service to reflect the diversity and the demographics of the city it serves. With the creation of the new diversity, inclusion, and recruitment officer, the Senior Leadership Team have affirmed our commitment to establishing a more diverse and inclusive work environment.
Diversity and inclusion initiatives involve more than just the racial and gender breakdown of our workplace. Together, we are working toward creating an environment where each employee feels respected, valued, and appreciated for their individuality and diverse viewpoints. As an organization, we are committed to celebrating this individuality and diversity. The findings of this report will help play a role in how we move forward as a police service.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all members of the Service, both sworn and civilian, who participated in the survey.
Please find the results of the Workplace Census below:
Please find the results of the Workplace Census below: