Contract Duty

The Windsor Police Service (WPS) encourages and supports safe community events. Upon a successful application by an event organizer the WPS will provide professional police services through our paid or Contract Duty program with certain limitations, including but not limited to:

• All officers working in a Contract Duty capacity must, at all times, act in the accordance with the duties of a police officer
pursuant to the Ontario - Police Service Act (PSA) and in accordance to the Windsor Police Service Directive 791-05.

• Contract Duty services may be performed by off-duty police Constables and Sergeants based upon an evaluation of your
event criteria and/or as deemed necessary by the Windsor Police Service.

• As a Contract Duty ‘employer’ you are not actually employing the police officer. You are entering into a contract with the
Windsor Police Service and the Windsor Police Service Board to permit the officer to provide policing services to you in his
or her capacity as a police officer.

• Police officers cannot work a Contract Duty event while in plain (street) clothes. Officers working in a Contract Duty
capacity must be attired in their full police issued uniform and equipment at all times

• Police officers ARE NOT permitted to act as a doorman or bouncer; the officer cannot receive or disperse cash or goods
nor perform any other function not expressly authorized by the PSA and WPS policy.

• In the event the (paid) use of a marked police vehicle is required for your event please be advised that all non-WPS
members are expressly prohibited from riding in or being transported by a police vehicle for any reason.

• Police officers WILL enforce all applicable laws and statutes.

Special Paid duty functions are generally:
Community Events
Business Security
Traffic Control
School Events
Sporting Events
Wide Load Traffic Escorts

Requesting a Contract Duty Officer for Hire

Please find below two (2) forms, which are required to be completed by you titled ; 'Request for Contract Duty' (2 pages) and 'Memorandum of Understanding' (MOU – 3 pages). You must submit both completed forms in order to process your application for contract duty Officers.

You are encouraged to submit a “Contract” and “Memorandum of Understanding” via e-mail as soon as possible in order to facilitate a quick processing. You may also submit a completed and signed “Contract” and “Memorandum of Understanding” in person to 150 Goyeau St. – Attention Contract Duty Clerk (X4202).

You will be notified via email when the position has been filled and the name of the Officer(s) who will attend your event. You will also be notified as soon as is practical if we are unable to accommodate your request.

Please contact the Windsor Police Service - Contract Duty Clerk if you have any questions or concerns at (519) 255-6700 ext. 4202 or via email to

Contract Duty business hours are M-F (8:00am - 4:00pm) - Closed on weekends and Holidays.

Appendix A - Request for Contract Duty Officers

Appendix B - Memorandum of Understanding

Appendix D - Contract Duty Fee Schedule