Command Structure
Windsor Police Auxiliary - Command Structure
The Auxiliary Police Superintendent is in charge of and responsible for the Auxiliary Police. The Auxiliary Police structure consists of the following ranks, in descending order of authority:
- Auxiliary Superintendent
- Auxiliary Inspector
- Auxiliary Staff Sergeant
- Auxiliary Sergeant
- Auxiliary Constable
As you can see, our rank structure resembles that of the regular Service.
The Windsor Police Auxiliary is supervised by a regular member of the Windsor Police Service at the rank of Sergeant or higher who acts as a "Liaison Officer" between the Auxiliary Unit and the Windsor Police Service. The Liaison Officer along with the Auxiliary Superintendent work closely together to prepare reports for the Chief of Police and City of Windsor officials throughout the year with pertinent statistics. This information is then forwarded to the Windsor Police Services Board on a regular basis. Currently, Windsor Police Sergeant Gary Williams is the Auxiliary Unit's Liaison Officer. Requests for Auxiliary officers to assist with special are to be submitted to the Liaison Officer but ultimately, these requests must be approved by the Chief of Police.