Windsor Police Service and Family Services Windsor-Essex launch partnership aiming to reduce intimate partner violence


The Windsor Police Service and Family Services Windsor-Essex (FSWE) are proud to announce a partnership aiming to reduce incidents of intimate partner violence (IPV).  

The IPV Early Intervention and Prevention Program seeks to recognize early warning signs of intimate partner violence and proactively respond to prevent future harm. Through this new program, officers will identify individuals who have been victims of non-physical abusive behaviour and connect these victims with FSWE who, in turn, will provide the necessary support to reduce potential escalation of violence.   

“Intimate partner violence has been declared an epidemic that impacts individuals and families throughout our community and across Canada,” said Windsor Police Inspector Andrew Randall. “This partnership provides us with an important new tool to curb this disturbing trend and empower victims to better protect themselves from harm.”  

Moving forward, all Windsor Police reports involving intimate partner conflict that don’t result in criminal charges will be channeled into the IPV Early Intervention and Prevention Program. With the consent of complainants, FSWE representatives will  follow up to assess their unique needs and connect them with appropriate support services – including counselling, safety planning, and other resources aimed at preventing escalation and promoting healthy and safe relationships.  

“This program represents a vital step in our commitment to preventing intimate partner violence and ensuring the safety and wellbeing of our community members,” said Ciara Holmes, Director of Mental Health and Counseling Programs. “By intervening early, we can provide the necessary support to those in need and help stop the escalation of conflicts.” 

The partnership, which began on May 6, 2024, has already referred 22 individuals to support resources. The Windsor Police and FSWE will closely monitor its impact with the hope of establishing a long-term, sustainable model for early intervention in intimate partner violence cases.  

To date in 2024, there have been over 600 intimate partner violence complaints where no one was arrested or charged. This program aims to ensure these calls do not escalate into more serious incidents.


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