Statistical Data Fee Schedule

Policy of Fees for Statistical Data

To establish fees to recover costs relative to requests for statistical data. Cost recovery takes into consideration the cost of data collection, processing and analysis of statistical data.

It is important to note that clients can often avoid costs by referencing the Windsor Police Service web site at and viewing such areas as Business Plan, Statistics or other areas of the site that have pertinent information about the Service. The Windsor Police Service Business Plan Annual Report is available at the Windsor Main Library, University of Windsor Libraries (Main and Law) and St Clair College Library. In addition, clients may reference the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics (CCJS) website for information and publications at

Unless otherwise noted, fees will apply to all clients, including:

a) Federal Departments (Non-Justice):
Provincial and Municipal Departments (Non-Justice)
Federal Members of Parliament and their Staff
Provincial Members of Parliament and their Staff
Private Industry
Non-Profit Organizations
General Public
International Community

b) Non-Custom Requests:
Non-custom requests are requests, which can be processed through readily available data, or data accessible from Windsor Police Service databases requiring minimal manipulation.

A flat hourly service fee of $50.00 will apply to all non-custom requests requiring one hour or less to complete. If a non-custom request requires more than one hour to complete, the applicable cost recovery salary rate as outlined in the attached table will apply calculated for each 15-minute interval or part thereof.

c) Custom Requests:

Custom requests include customized sets of data (i.e. paper or electronic) derived from Windsor Police databases according to parameters defined by the client; the development of specific databases; analytical, technical or statistical consultation on informatics, methodology, service and subject matter areas.

The production of custom requests includes client consultation, data processing and production on forms such as printouts, magnetic tapes, diskettes and microfiche. GST will be applied to the actual total unless the client is a federal government department or has a GST exemption number. Any subsequent request for statistical information already produced for another client will be priced the same as the original request.

The cost for a custom data request will be calculated by determining the cost recoverable salary rate(s) applicable to the project including benefits plus a 10% administrative fee to cover Windsor Police overhead expenses (i.e. computer maintenance, software, photocopying and postage).

The applicable cost recovery salary rate as outlined in the attached table will apply calculated for each 15-minute interval or part thereof.

d) Payment of Fees:
The flat hourly fee of $50.00 for a non-custom request is payable in advance and is non-refundable. A non-refundable $100 deposit will be required for any custom request, which will exceed that amount in fees. The balance will be due upon delivery. Payment will be by cash, money order or certified cheque payable to the Windsor Police Service. Estimates of fees are available upon request

GST will be applied to the actual cost unless the client is a federal government department or has a GST exemption number.

e) Increase in Fees:
Fees may be adjusted annually when salaries, benefits, or increases in operating expenses occur.

GROUP 1 (includes Accounting, Benefits, Personnel, Statistics $7.96
GROUP 2 (includes Research & Intelligence Analysts) $9.02
GROUP 3 (includes Programmer/Analyst) $11.93
GROUP 4 (includes Planning & Physical Resources Director) $17.48
GROUP 5 (includes Financial Services & Human Resource Directors $18.07