Data Entry Unit
The Data Entry Unit is responsible for the transcription of all general occurrence reports, the entry of summonses and tickets, auditing motor vehicle accident reports and assisting the public by generating and processing reports through the Telephone and Online Reporting Unit. Through the commitment of nine clerks, the unit works twenty four hours a day to maintain the accuracy and integrity of the data entered into our Records Management System and ensure that all police reports received are coded in compliance with Statistic’s Canada’s Uniform Crime Reporting Survey. As mandated by the federal government, the Windsor Police Service submits our crime statistics to the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics to be used for crime analysis, resource planning and program development for the policing community.
The Data Entry Unit is most proud of our role in assisting members of the public to report minor crimes and lost property information in a convenient manner through telephone and online reporting. This service allows citizens to file police reports 24 hours a day, seven days a week at a time that is convenient to them. Since 2011, we are pleased to offer our online reporting service in 6 languages including English, French, Arabic, Spanish, Chinese and Italian. In 2011, the online reporting technology also enabled us to implement a voluntary on-line Autism Registry that allows parents and guardians of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder to register through the Windsor Police Service website.